Monday 22 November 2010

Monday Blues....

Oh dear...the week has not started out very well. Last night at about 4am I was woken by my 3 yr old, screaming at shadows in his room. He had a raging temperature, and was on the brink of delirium. However, a tepid sponge down and some calpol later, I managed to get it under control. He doesn't seem to have any other symptoms, other than mentioning he has a sore tummy. I am hoping a day on the sofa, reading some nice books and him catching up on some sleep will sort things out. I hate to see any of my kids upset, in pain or unwell.

Ethan has been busy putting the finishing touches to his 'report' on the game Halo. He was fascinated at the general Halo Brand, and decided for himself to look into it. He has been making comparisons with it and other games of the same genre, including merchandising, TV and film involvement, and has even attempted to record some statistics about the game into his workings.
This was completely Ethans' idea, and something he was very enthusiastic about, and I know there will be some people rolling their eyes and clucking their tongues thinking he is spending all day playing video games. The fact of the matter is, he wants to work in the gaming industry, and is finding new and interesting aspects about gaming to work on. He is managing to include business studies into his work, maths, geography and many other subjects.  And who says that he cant make a case study on a game that he enjoys? I would rather he was doing something constructive alongside a leisure pursuit and actually learning from it, than not.
Anyway, and speaking of the devil, he has now appeared, rake in hand, ready to dispose of the multitude of leaves in the garden before making himself some lunch. And I have a very unhappy little fella to attend to. So ta-ta for now.

Loz x


  1. Aah I hope your 3 yr old is feeling better, my 9 yr old still halucinates now when she is ill, it is upsetting isn't it. I think its great that Ethan has decided to do the case study because it is something he is interested in - well done him.

  2. poor Law Law! how is he now? hopefully it was just a minor glinch and he's now feeling fully himself again.
    Keep up the good work Ethan
    Mum xxx


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