Saturday 20 November 2010

Demystifying simplicity......

There are things that kids these days have absolutely no idea about. Like how to work a washing machine (they dont have remote controls), and how to post something at the Post Office. 
You see, with so much electronic assistance these days, kids believe things just happen on their own, and something as archaic as a Post Office is just mindboggling to them.
So, today, both my kids had to package something, take it down to the post office, select the appropriate postage and then pay and keep receipts. Sounds ridiculous? To some, yes it might do. But they had no idea how that worked, but now that they do, I am having to find more things for them to post!!!
I think it is important to keep hold of the more old fashioned methods of postage/communication etc  because you never know, it might one day be all we have to rely on.


  1. I love reading your daily comments and finding out what the children are up to- keep up the good work. Mumxx


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