Friday 19 November 2010

Beautiful Cotswolds...

Ethan has completely surprised me with his budding interest in photography. He has always been keen on images, drawing, painting and graphics etc, but had never really given cameras a fair crack of the whip. Here are some of the early attempts he made, whilst trying to capture the essense of the village we live in.

The River Windrush
                                                                                                                                                                                              This is my favourite, it's the village church. It has such a rich history and a really imposing presence, which I think Ethan has managed to capture with this striking upward perspective of the tower.                                                

I like the way he has got the sunlight coming thorugh from behind the sign on this one. It would have been a pretty boring photo without that added interest to it I think.
Hopefully on 3rd December, when the village has it's victorian night, and the Christmas lights get switched on, it will provide Ethan with plenty of excellent photograph opportunities. I just wish I had a better camera for him to work with.

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