Thursday 25 November 2010


OK...I'm going to admit it, as far as arts and crafts go, I'm pretty useless. Looking at and listening to what some people get up to amazes me. One HE family I met up with had successfully designed and made a full sized willow house! Others create some brilliant sculptures and paintings. So of course, not wanting to see my kids go without, I have in the past attempted to indulge them in something arty. However, I always seem to come up at a loss (I can't even bake a cake without it coming out like a biscuit, and biscuits come out like hockey pucks). 
So, today I have decided to put some serious thought into large scale projects. No more model kits, no more clay and matchsticks, no more messing about with fiddly bits of fluff and plastic bobs.
I think planning something, and making something on a large scale will hold not only my interest for longer but more importantly, Ethan's interest.

The thing is, what to create?
I don't have a huge garden, so I don't want to make some monstrosity that is going to over take what precious space we have to play in, but at the same time, I want to us to make something that involves a bit of maths, a bit of science, and some research (materials, method etc). 
I'm going to ask about for ideas on the various HE groups that I am a member of, but if anyone else out there wants to make a suggestion, then do feel free. 

Loz x

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