Tuesday 16 November 2010

So here we are!!


So this is the first of my blogs..and to be honest, I haven't really got a clue what I am doing with templates, gadgets and goodness knows what else they keep trying to get me to click on, so forgive the simplicity of this page..I'm just not the tech type.
Anyway, the whole point of this blog, is for me really - anyone who wants to watch it, comment on it or just poke fun at and laugh at it, is more than welcome. It's a free country - just - and I am certainly the last person to complain about the invasion of my privacy, since these days...there is none.

I have 4 kids..all boys. The youngest is 13 weeks today, the oldest is 12. The two inbetween are 3 and 11. Yes, I have my hands full, yes I am a glutton for punishment, and yes I do grasp every opportunity to make life more difficult than it has to be just for the fun of it.
Some people keep themselves amused by having a nintendo ds with some brain training game you control with a plastic stick, others throw themselves into their job and pretend their life is satisfying, whilst secretly harbouring thoughts of what it would be like to be a benefits leech. Others have pets they dress up and idolise, and others creep about in dark alleys and dank bedsits plastering their walls with pictures of those they plan to stalk and eventually cut into little pieces to make dainty pieces of jewellery out of. The world, as we know it, is a funny place, full of equally funny people...some are funny haha, others are just funny peculiar.  But its variety like that which fascinates me.
But I digress...as I was saying, this blog is for me and my family. I home educate my oldest at present, and so I am considering doing the same with all of them eventually. But I thought I would put down into words those thoughts that lie and fester in the dusty recesses of my mind, so when I forget things in the real world - which happens on an all too frighteningly regular basis - I can dip into the virtual world and remind myself why I did something a certain way, and what the idea behind it was in the first place.

So, that's it really. Expect loads of strange waffle and random comments teamed with some obscure questions and thoughts.

Tata for now.

Loz x

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