Saturday 12 March 2011

A nice day

We had another lovely day at Funtime yesterday. We met up with lots of (becoming) familiar faces again, and were able to put a face to a name which I have also become familiar with, which was nice - and she most certainly does not belong to any Home Education yahoo groups based in the United Kingdom. (And by the way, please accept my apologies for any mix up which may have made it seem as though I was accusing you of being so, it was intended for another of the same name).

Ethan had a whale of a time being bullied by a group of 4 and 5 year olds (not actually bullied, but ganged up on, in the best possible way), and it made a nice change for there to be so many boys there this time.

It was mentioned by another mum that gradually it is becoming clear that for certain kids, Funtime and places like it are coming to the end of their life (kids getting too old). Lets hope that someone is willing to take on the role of organising the monthly meet up, because it would be a shame for such an important opportunity to no longer be available for existing and new HE families.  I have certainly valued the chance to meet up with others.

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us, with planned visits to farms, museums, mills and roman villas etc, also the K'nex Robotics day is coming up, a science evening, Cotswold forest school, a music showcase and Alton Towers..all before the 31st!!



  1. It was lovely to meet you. Ethan was very popular with Georgina and James. It also made a nice change for there to be younger boys, James had not really enjoyed his last couple of visits. He is most definitely a boy, even though he is currently wearing a nighty and has been playing babies all morning, and prefers the "boy" games and rough and tumble associated with them.

    I will speak to SW at the next meeting and see if she would like me to take over the organising of them. I live so close and it would be a shame to lose the meeting.

  2. Suzi said; He is most definitely a boy, even though he is currently wearing a nighty and has been playing babies all morning

    Always nice to see that it's not just my boys who love playing babies and the like.
    It's funny, my number 3 often wobbles around pushing a pink toy pushchair with one of his babies in it. He not only gets funny looks from the neighbours, but is often asked 'is that your sisters?'
    As someone who can't stand stereotyping, I have to admit to geting a bit miffed when that happens.

  3. I think there is a blog post in that :)

  4. You know what..there probably this space =P

  5. As someone who can't stand stereotyping, I have to admit to geting a bit miffed when that happens.

    if your not keen on sterotyping you can help! Hampshire LA stereotype home educated children as being in real danger of abuse from their parents. i suggest you write in at once to HCC to tell them their wrong? you want the address of who to write to over this sterotyping?

  6. Peter and carol said: if your not keen on sterotyping you can help! Hampshire LA stereotype home educated children as being in real danger of abuse from their parents. i suggest you write in at once to HCC to tell them their wrong? you want the address of who to write to over this sterotyping?

    Perhaps a bit later. :)

  7. Perhaps a bit later. :)

    dont leave it to late many have im afraid! we can supply you with all the address of all the LA staff you need to write to and a visit to the plush county office at Winchester to confront this sterotyping would go down a treat.


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