Friday 18 March 2011

Not the sharpest barb on the wire...

For crying out soft....When will people realise that yahoo group lists are not completely and utterly private??
When will they realise that publishing your entire bank account details, including your account name, is not the most clever of things to do?

I really think that group owners/moderators/admins or whatever they want to call themselves should make absolutely clear to their members that there are some people out there that scour such groups, and will pounce on things like that.
In an age where your private details are anything would think people would take more care.

And yes..this did occur yet again on another HE list. Typical...

(completely dumbstruck) Loz

1 comment:

  1. She only gave out her bank sort code and account number. Unless you completely avoid writing cheques, we do this all the time. I'd be more concerned about those giving out postal addresses and phone numbers to be honest. Even a famous (or should that be infamous) HE blogger makes this mistake.


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