Friday 10 December 2010

A nice day!

Had a really lovely day today. The boys and I went to a indoor softplay centre and actually got to meet up with a few other really friendly HE families. Some of the names were familiar, so it was nice to put faces to them.
Laurence had a great time playing with so many children, usually when we go there during the week it is fairly quiet, but today there were a couple of parties going on so the place was pretty busy.

Of course, when I got back I was greeted with.....'The Kitchen' and all its' mess. I know I will just have to grit my teeth and get on with the tidying and organising (which really  needs to be done anyway), but right now, I just don't feel in the right mood for it. So I'm going to make a cup of tea, grab a couple of party rings and sit down to watch countdown and deal or no deal whilst playing with Joseph and putting Laurence through the pain of trying on a bunch of new clothes which have finally arrived! :)
(when I say it like that, it sounds like I still have a load of stuff to do and probably wont get to watch much of either programme anyway!) lol.

Loz x

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