Thursday 16 December 2010

Christmas Party

Today was Laurence's Christmas Party at pre-school. It was really nice, and although I didn't managed to take very many pictures - because of child protection etc, I did manage to snap one at the end.

I always find it hilarious at toddler parties, especially Christmas parties, when Santa finally makes an appearance, and all the kiddies have been so looking forward to it...the door opens, the jingle begins to play....and in walks some skinny thirty something with a poor excuse for a Santa outfit on, a badly fitting beard and a half-hearted ho ho ho!
The kids freeze, panic, then run screaming to their mums and dads.
It's a classic moment too, when Santa begins handing out presents, calling each child's name in turn, and although each of them is waiting with baited breath for their name to be called, when it is, they freeze (again) the bottom lip starts to quiver, and eventually, it is mum which has to go and collect the present.

Somehow, it seems vaguely cruel to start off a child's expectations of Christmas this way.

Funny though. :P

Loz x

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    yeah we went through this every year with my eldest when he was at nursery. He would howl (actually scream and shake!) through every nativity play and then start up again when santa arrived.
    Needless to say we never bothered with the whole santa thing (or nativity plays) with the next 2 kids! All far too traumatic lol.


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