Tuesday 18 January 2011

Monday night cooking

Tonight was Ethan's turn to cook, so he decided to rustle up something with chicken and pasta.
He was clever about it, using the same methods he knows for more traditional pasta dishes using pork.

Ethan decides to use Tagliatelle Pasta for a change.

Bubbling away !

Taking care to separate each strand.

Slicing the Mozzarella to add to the dish

Making sure the mozzarella is evenly distributed.

The finished result, complete with a boiled egg and extra sauce. Yummy!!!

It was absolutely delicious, creamy, garlicy tomatoey yummyness. Well Done Ethan. Monday nights are the new a la Ethan night for dinner now. I wonder what he'll think up next?

Loz x


  1. That dinner looks great, I think its wonderful our kids have the time and opportunity to learn how to cook, and experiment with food. Well done. P.S your new kitchen looks fab!

  2. Thank you very much! Although, it isnt completely finished, a few last touches here and there need to be done (like the boxing in of the pipes under the boiler etc) but we'll get there eventually. :)


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