Well, we moved into our new house nearly 6 months ago now, and slowly but surely we have been applying our stamp to the place, but it never fails to amaze me, the surprises you unearth when decorating a new home. Yes, what you see here is indeed a few nice paintings of Tinkerbell, and Ariel the Mermaid...and yes, these we found under some lining paper in what is now the master bedroom!
Don't get me wrong, I am sure that who ever decided to make this delightful mural had the very best intentions of making the room some kind of girlie Disney wonderland..but seriously...it's hideous.
This is where I get on a soap box to some extent. Some would tell me to look at it and think, ah, at least they tried to make it look nice blah blah blah. Well, no. What they actually achieved is a half finished mess on the wall that is painted with industrial strength poster paint, which is impossible to cover (hence the lining paper on that wall only). The background painting is ridiculous, we have a tri-stripe effort of light blue on the bottom, dark blue in the middle, and purple on the top. I mean...really? they don't even blend in together, and the quality of the painting itself, when you get up close is horrendous.
Ariel looks like she has suffered a stroke, Tinkerbells' arms look like those of a heroine user, and the sad effort of a pirate ship silhouetted against the moon is just laughable.
I know, I know, in a world already full of hatred, cholera spreading UN workers and grossly overpaid England footballers, you would think that I should be giving a little credit to the person that tried to cheer up an otherwise perfectly normal and decoratable room. Well, all I have to say about that is this..you try to sleep with psychotic looking fairies and mermaids staring at you all night, then let me know.
Loz x